Area-value map or choropleth

Besides adding color to your map manually, you can also create a choropleth! 

A choropleth is a map that uses differences in color gradients to indicate the range of values represented on the regions or states within your map. This is also known as an area-value map. This can help you visualize your data based on the states or countries in the mapping spreadsheet. 

To do this:


Click on your map to open the Map Settings tab.


Under Map type, click on the dropdown and select Area-Value. 


Select the starting and end colors to create the gradient colors.

If you have data values in separate columns, you will need to choose which data you want to be represented under Variable to Use.  The colors will accurately represent the column of data in your map's spreadsheet.

Colors for individual areas on the map cannot be changed because the gradient color will be automatically adjusted in that region, according to the column you chose to be represented in your area-value map. To select a color for a specific area, you’ll need to turn off Area Value Map.

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