Privacy & Security

Your privacy and security are important to us here at Piktochart!

When you use Piktochart AI, you may provide us with information such as the topic input you submit. We do not collect any personal information for the use of Piktochart AI. All your submitted inputs are aggregated and anonymized.

We use the information you provide to generate visual content (text, and images), and to moderate against our Terms of Use. We may use these non-identifiable data to improve the performance and functionality of the AI performance.

AI can make mistakes and is not 100% accurate. Please consider checking important information. You are solely responsible for the text you type into Piktochart AI, the resulting content generated by your input, subsequent edits in Piktochart Editor, and the infographic you download, share, and/or embed. You must ensure that your use complies with all applicable laws and does not infringe upon the rights of any third parties. Piktochart shall not be held accountable for any content generated by you and any other users using Piktochart AI.

You can also check out our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy for more information on what information is collected or stored when you use Piktochart.

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