Voucher & Coupon code
You can easily enter a voucher or coupon to redeem them on Piktochart! However, please note the different places you will enter these codes.
Voucher Code (Discount code, exp: BlackFriday)
While on the Pricing page (special pricing pages for Education & Non-profit) click Get It Now, then:
- 1
- Choose the plan you wish to apply to your account.
- 2
- Click Add Coupon. A text bar will appear.
- 3
- Enter the code exactly as it appears. If possible, copy & paste it directly. Only one code can be applied at a time.
- 4
Validate your credit card or future recurring payments, even if the amount to be paid may be zero due to the code.
Coupon Code (Upgrade code, exp: aaaaa-bbbbb-ccccc-ddddd-eeeee)
If you have received a code for a free Piktochart upgrade, or have purchased a PRO plan and have a code to redeem, please enter it on Redeem Page while logged into the account you wish to upgrade.