Delete Account

To delete your account, 


Hover over the upper right corner  Personal Profile Icon with your mouse and click Account Settings.


On your Personal Profile tab, scroll down to the bottom of the page. 

Click on the red Delete Account button and then click Yes, Proceed in the confirmation pop-up. 
If the option is not available for you, it means you first need to remove all team members from your workspaces before you can delete the account.

It will take up to 14 days to delete your account, as we offer this 14-day grace period in case you change your mind during this timeframe.

Image from Gyazo

Common Questions

I didn't delete my account. Why was my account deleted?

Your account can only be removed due to the reasons below:

  • Inactivity - More than 12 months of inactivity (Free account only)
  • Signed up with a wrong email address - If you create an account under an email address that is not your own, you cannot recover a lost password and receive notifications, and also allow someone else to take control of the account and delete it.
  • Violating our Terms of Use - If you've repeatedly violated our Terms of Use, we have no choice but to delete your account entirely from Piktochart.
    An account created with an email address other than your own risks deletion at any time, without prior notice.

I want to only delete one Workspace. How do I do it?

At the moment, we don't have this option available. If you need to delete a Workspace, reach out to our Support Team.

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