Resizing Visual

You can easily resize your visual to the dimension you want!

  1. In the Editor, click the Page Resize button located at the right of the canvas or top menu. 
  2. A pop-up will appear. Select the set size you want your visual to be in, either manually by keying in the Width and Height or set from the built-in sizes, and the blocks will automatically be resized. You can also set the orientation of the block to be either in Portrait or Landscape orientation.

The maximum dimensions for the custom block settings: 

Maximum block height: 5000 px  

Maximum visual height: 50000 px ( all blocks combined)

Maximum width :  40 inches, 101.6 cm, 3840 px

  1. By default, resizing maintains your content's proportions. To resize without preserving proportions, simply click the unlock option.

Presentation format

If you are in the Presentation format, you can change the screen sizes from either the 4:3 ratio format or the 16:9 ratio format.

You will not be able to see other custom sizes in this format as the ratio for the presentation format is fixed. 

Resizing one block will automatically be applied to the rest of the other blocks as well. 

Dimension for Printing 

It is always best to use a Report, Poster, or Flyer format if you plan to print your work. If you have already started using an Infographic template, you need to resize your blocks into A4 or Letter size blocks or your desired custom size for print. It's not possible to auto-convert a visual from one template format to another, e.g. Infographic to Flyer. 

If you wish to download and print a visual that is larger than the maximum size, you just need to make sure the  dimension share the same ratio. When you print, remember to set the exact size you need on the printer setup.

Common Questions

What is 'Resize Content'?

The checkbox ' Resize Content' will scale all objects within the selected block accordingly as the block width changes. For example, if the visual's block width is reduced, all objects will shrink accordingly. Changing each object’s size separately will not be needed, therefore saving precious time!

If ' Resize Content' is not selected, any changes made to the selected block size will only affect the block and all objects remain untouched and not resized. Note that the width changes will take place on the right side of the block.

Why can't I see the semi-transparent line at the bottom of the block?

The semi-transparent line at the bottom of the block only appears for  Infographic format. There will be a grey, semi-transparent bar defining the boundaries between the blocks as shown below. You can drag the semi-transparent line to adjust the height of your infographic manually. 

What do I do if my visual is longer than the maximum height for downloading?

If your visual is larger than 50000px and you try to download it; you will receive this error:

You can still publish and share the visual online through the output link. To download the visual, we recommend either deleting blocks or splitting up the visual into multiple visuals. You will need to copy the objects from one visual to another.

Why can't I see the block setting option?

You're most likely using a Presentation template. There is no block setting in this format as these blocks are a fixed size. Those are scaled to a ratio for precise viewing using Presentation Mode.

What is the best format to use for Printing?

It is always best to use a Report, Poster or Flyer templates if you plan to print your work. If you have already started using an Infographic template, you need to resize your blocks into A4/Letter size blocks or your desired custom size for print. It's not possible to auto-convert a visual from one template format to another, e.g. Infographic to Flyer.

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