Merge Account

Because each account and subscription is only attached to you via your email address, merging accounts is not possible, and there is no simple way to transfer accounts or subscriptions. However, depending on your needs and situation, we can offer a few solutions: 

You wish to transfer an account (Free or Paid) to another person

For example, you may be resigning from your position and want to pass your account to another colleague or team member. You can only pass your account to another email address that is not registered with Piktochart.

To do this, log into your Piktochart account. Find the Personal Profile icon in the top right >  Account Settings >  Personal Profile tab. You can change your username and/or email for the account.

If you are connected via Google or Facebook, you will first need to click unlink to detach your social media account from the Piktochart account.

If this option is not available, please reach out to us by emailing [email protected] We'll need an email sent from the original account, cc'ing the new email to which you wish to transfer the account. 

If you are unable to access the original email to send your request, we do have a final option. We'd just need to know the name of the last visual saved to the account. This will confirm that the registered owner has granted you access and will prevent unauthorized transfer of ownership.

You wish to transfer a subscription or Pro status to another account OR you have upgraded the wrong account:

We can offer a refund (within 30 days of purchase) and cancel your subscription so that you can re-subscribe with the correct account.

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