Cancel Recurring Billing

If you need to cancel your subscription, you can do so before the expiration date of your current account or your next billing date.


Go to the upper right corner Personal Profile Icon → Account Settings.


Under  Workspace Settings, select Plans & Billings.


Click  Cancel Recurring next to your account status. 

You will not be billed any further but will still be able to enjoy all PRO benefits until the expiration date of your last payment.

Cancellation of your subscription means that your subscription will not automatically be renewed in your next billing and does not mean that it will be refunded. You will need to reach out to us should you wish to refund the payments. Learn more about our Refund Policy

Canceling Piktochart Video subscription

If you have an active Piktochart Video (previously known as Piktostory) subscription, you won't be able to cancel the recurring billing from within the Account Settings. 

Please contact our Support Team to cancel your Piktochart Video subscription.


If you cancel your Pro subscription but you'd like to resubscribe back, you can do so from the Plans & Billings section by clicking on the Resubscribe button.

Then, select the number of workspace members you want to add, review the order summary, and click Next: payment methods to continue with the payment. 

If you were previously on the monthly Pro plan, you can choose to resubscribe with monthly or annual pricing as well. 

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