Team: Collaboration

Piktochart Visual comes with powerful co-creative, review, branding, and permissions features, and is perfect for teams that are looking to work together on their visuals on a regular basis! 

By default, only you can edit your work, and only from within your own workspace.

To start collaborating, you need to invite team members to join your Workspace. 

Then, you can start sharing visuals with your team or specific team members.

Common Questions

Do I need to create a new Workspace to collaborate?

You don't need to create a new Workspace. You can invite team members to start collaborating on your existing Workspace. In your Workspace, all your visuals are private by default unless you choose to share them with your team.

For users who are collaborating with 2 different teams, we recommend creating a new Workspace so you can manage visuals and team members in different Workspaces. There is no ability to transfer visuals from one Workspace to another.

Is there a limited number of seats I can purchase?

There is no limit to the number of seats you can purchase! You can reach out to our friendly Sales Team on your specific needs and get a customized quote.

Can I collaborate in real-time with my team members?

Live collaboration is not available at the moment. Currently, only one person can edit a visual at one time. If a second person tries to enter the editor, they will see an alert that the original person editing will be removed from the editor in order to let the second person in.

A user can view a visual that is being worked on by another team member by accessing the visual’s comments page.

How do we change team ownership?  

In some circumstances, you can request to change the ownership of the team to someone else on the team. We'll need the Team Owner to get in touch with our support team to request this change, providing also the email for the new Team Owner. 

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