Infographics are perfect for viewing on the web. They are visual representations of information. They can tell a story in a colorful, beautiful way.
Using Piktochart's Infographic templates, you can take your story or information and convert it into a compact snapshot for online viewing - on the website, or on a blog. Using this format, you can quickly and easily convey information to improve your reader's understanding, using graphics to reveal patterns and trends.
You'll be able to find the Infographics format templates from the top menu on your dashboard:
For an Infographic template, there is a semi-transparent line at the bottom of the block to adjust the height. You can also adjust the height in the block settings to the left of the block.

Learn more about How to Present Your Research Findings in an Infographic!
Common Questions
Can I print my infographic?
Infographics are best used for online publishing such as on your website or blog. Due to the long-form format infographics have, the visual will look elongated when printed. If you intended to print your visual, you should opt for either a Poster, Flyer, or Report format.