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Inserting a Table

Tables allow you to display your information in a more organized manner, and make it easier for your audience to read the data.

Here are the steps to insert a table in your visual:


In your Editor, click on the More >  Table option in the left menu of the editor.


Select the size of the table. 


To edit your table, click on it to enter editing mode. You will see a green border around your table. Double-click on a cell to edit it individually. 


Type in your data in the specific cell when the cursor appears. 

Image from Gyazo

Adding and Deleting Column/Row


Right-click to open the drop options available.  


Select Insert Column Right or Insert Column Left to add a column to the right or left of the selected column. 


You can click on  Delete Column to delete the entire column. 


Resizing Column/Row


Resize columns by dragging the lines between columns


For rows, they are responsive to the content size you have for each row.

Customizing Text Font and Color

To customize text font and colors within the table, double-click to highlight the text and you may find the rich text editor panel for you to customize the text font, style, and color. 

You will be able to customize the font type (bold, italic, underline) as well as the font family, size, and color which will also be compatible with the color scheme! 

Lastly, you'll also be able to change the alignment by either all cells or individual cells. 

Image from Gyazo

It's also possible to change the color of the border of the table as well as the cell color for further customization. You can select these options from the top menu, like so:

Image from Gyazo

To change the color of an individual cell, be sure to double-click on the cell. Otherwise, the entire table's cells will change to that color. If you want to change the color of multiple cells at once, simply drag your mouse over the cells to highlight them, and then change the color.

Image from Gyazo

Common Questions

Is it possible to copy and paste from an Excel sheet or Google Spreadsheet? 

Yes, this is possible! If you have an excel spreadsheet in  XLS, XLSX, or CSV format or in Google Spreadsheet, you can copy and paste your data available into the data table!  More about Inserting Data into Table

How do I undo a step? 

To reverse a change, simply click on the Undo/Redo button on the editor and any changes that have been made will be reversed. You can also use shortcut keys; CTRL + Z for windows and Command + Z for Mac. 

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