Inserting Charts

Adding charts to your visuals is one great way to present your data! Piktochart allows you to create custom charts and graphs to visualize your data effectively. You can switch between chart options and modify the settings easily! To insert a chart in your visual: 


Go to the  Charts icons from the left side panel on your Editor. 


Click to choose a chart from the options available. The chart will be added immediately to your visual. 


Click on the chart on your canvas, and a spreadsheet will appear on your left. You can manually insert your data or easily import your data from a Google Spreadsheet or an Excel file. 


To customize your chart, click on the Charts Settings tab on the top of the panel. You can toggle on different chart settings such as the legend, axis labels, and colors! 


If you would like to change the style of your chart, use the menu at the top and a dropdown will appear for your to select other chart options.

Piktochart's charts are interactive by default when added to your visual. In order to support the interactivity, you will need to Share and Publish your visuals via published URLs. If you choose to download your project as a PNG or PDF file, your chart will remain static and will not be interactive. 

Common Questions

How do I resize my chart? 

You will find that resizing your chart is very similar to how you are resizing an object on Piktochart! 

To resize your chart, simply drag the four handlers by the corner of your chart. The chart will  resize proportionally by default, preserving the width-to-height ratio of the chart. 

To resize your chart non-proportionally, drag one of the oval handlers on the top, left, right, and bottom sides of the chart. 

Can I make the data table larger? 

Simply click the Expand Table option on the top-right corner of the data table to expand it, and click Collapse to make it smaller.  You can also drag the double-headed arrow to expand /resize the table.

How do I add more columns to my data?

To remove or insert a column/row,  right-click on the row or column (not the header) for the drop-down options. Select either Insert Column to the left or right of the selected column.

You can also Delete Columns to remove columns from your data table.

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