Roles in Team

There are three roles within a Team. You can access and manage the respective team roles from the Team Member Settings

Learn what you can do: 

A team member may:

  • Create visuals and share them within the team
  • Create saved templates for the team
  • Upload images to the Workspace shared library

An  admin may:

  • Do everything that a member can do
  • Invite new team members or remove existing ones
  • Change the roles assigned to team members
  • Help manage the Workspace branding kit 

A  Team Owner may:

  • Do everything that an admin can do
  • Manage settings related to subscriptions and billing
  • Rename Workspace

Common Questions

How do we change team ownership?

In special circumstances, you can request to change the ownership of the team to someone else on the team. 

We'll need the Team Owner to get in touch with our support team to request this change, providing also the email for the new Team Owner. 

How do we change the team membership role?

You may switch the role of the team member from the Member Management page and select the respective role from the dropdown. 

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